Lionsworld incorporation
Lionsworld Newsletter
Register of Registrable Controllers (RORC)
Since 31 March 2017, ACRA requires ALL companies, regardless active or dormant, to maintain a Register of Registrable Controllers (RORC). Let’s talk about it!

What is a Registrable Controller?
A registrable controller is an individual or organisation that holds a significant stake in the company, or has significant control over the company’s key decision.
An organisation or individual is considered a Registrable Controller if:
Own 25% or more of the company.
If you have significant voting power in the company’s EGM/AGMs
All You Need to Know About RORC

Obligations of a Registrable Controller
1. Ensure that they are contactable
2. Ensure that their particulars are properly updated with the company
3. Report any other possible RCs if they are aware of them
4. Respond to any notices given to them by the officers of the company

Setting Up the RORC
The RORC must be set up and filed with ACRA within 30 days of the company’s incorporation.
Subsequently, notices will be sent by the company’s officers on an annual basis to keep the RORC updated on any potential changes.

When Should The RORC Be Updated?
1. When there are changes to shareholding
2. When there are changes to officer’s particulars
3. During annual notice

Should the Registrable Controller of the company be negligent in keeping the RORC updated, they may face a possible penalty of up to $5,000.
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111 North Bridge Road, Peninsula Plaza
Singapore 179098
Operating Hour: Mon – Fri
- 9.00 AM – 5.30 PM (Closed for lunch from 11.30 AM -12.30PM)
Data Protection Officer
Name: Chen Huijun
Contact Number: 6336 8866